Monday, April 7, 2008

Day at the Park!

What a beautiful weekend we had! It was so nice, we decided to take Jarrett to the park for the first time. It's nice because we have a little one just a couple blocks from our house. He tried out the baby swing and didn't give us much response, he was just chilled out while Justin was swinging him!

We also got a lot done around the house this weekend. It's starting to come together. We will soon have a finished downstairs bathroom! Yah! We finally got Jarrett's name up on his wall and his sea turtles! He loves them! We did some other odds and ends around the house, so soon it will be complete. I can't wait! Jarrett will be 7 months this Friday! I can't believe it! He has realized that he can roll over to get places now, so he is all over the floor! He actually starting scooting himself last night too. It won't be long before he is everywhere! Good thing we've started babyproofing!

Well, until next time...

1 comment:

Lindsey @ Enjoying Healthy Foods said...

Jarrett is getting so big!!! I am sorry we weren't able to get together this trip out. We will be out again in June and July.

I love that Jarrett sticks his tongue out too!!!