Sunday, April 19, 2009

Easter Party Party

We've had a crazy, fun couple weeks. We headed to Ohio to spend Easter with Justin's family. Jarrett had a great time; he got to hunt eggs in the morning with Justin's parents and did pretty well. However, Jarrett missed the big easter egg hunt with all his cousins because he was asleep, but he loved his Easter basket from G & G Cox because he got bubbles and a squirt gun. Let's just say Lewis HATES the squirt gun. Poor dogs, we just let Jarrett torture them ;)

This weekend, a bunch of my friends from high school and I celebrated Ashlee's bachelorette party! The night started off with a Pure Romance party at a friend's house! It was so fun to be able to catch up with everybody because it's just so difficult to find time to keep in touch and actually have nights out together. Ash's big day is in 1 month! We are so excited!

Yesterday, Jarrett and I went up to Crown Point, IN to celebrate Krissy and Prater's baby shower with them. A long drive for one day, but so worth it. Krissy is due May 15th, so it is getting so close. I always love to see Krissy and Prater since our visits are so few and far between. It's so weird to think that Justin and I spent every single day with these two in college and now we only get to see each other 2 or 3 times a year. We miss them like crazy! They are doing so well and after yesterday I'm sure they are now prepared for Baby Prater to be here! I wasn't able to catch any pictures yesterday, but Jarrett loved all the little babies at the shower, especially one certain little girl. He kept laying on her and touching her. At one point, her mom tried to pick her up and Jarrett pulled her legs to keep her down! Oh my son!!!!! I'm positive the principle will be giving us calls quite often once Jarrett starts school. :)

Well, that's enough for now

Monday, April 6, 2009

More Pictures


So, I'm no good at posting regularly...sorry :( We just got back from a weeks vacation down in Gatlinburg, TN. We went with my sister, Kristy, and her four kids for their spring break. We really had a great time, but were really tired by the time we got back home on Saturday evening. None of us have ever been to Gatlinburg, so we decided to head down there for a few days, then venture back up to visit family in northern TN. The kids had a blast in Gatlinburg at the Aquarium, Ripley's Museum, mini golf, and WonderWorks (which is the coolest place I've ever been). Jarrett and Will really loved the aquarium getting to see all the different kinds of fish and sharks (MEAN, which is what Jarrett calls them). Real quick, funny story....Later in the week, Will was acting like a shark and chasing Jarrett. Jarrett was laughing and screaming "MEAN" at Will. Well, Will then proceeded to bite Jarrett's pantleg, again, Jarrett still laughing and saying MEAN. Then Will actually got some skin with his bite, again, Jarrett is STILL laughing, but the MEAN changed tones! He had a shark bite on his knee from Will! Never once did he cry, but he was sure proud to show everyone his MEAN Boo Boo! Overall, we had a great time in Tennessee!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Elmo, Scooby Doo, Library and More...

Okay, so I don't have any updated pictures, so sorry sorry. A nice young pregnant best friend of mine yelled at me for not updating our blog, so here I am at 10:12pm on Thursday night (12 minutes past my bedtime)updating our blog for her! :)

Jarrett has been speaking up more and more the past couple weeks. He has grown a new love for Elmo, or should I say Melmo. We MUST watch Elmo everyday when we get home from the babysitters. Mind you, I'm sure he has conned the babysitters into watching Elmo throughout the day. But, how can you resist the sweet little smile...Him and Cayson LOVE to watch Elmo together!!! It is so cute! They are going to be great friends and troublemakers, I'm sure of it. Jarrett and I also stopped by the Library to pick up some tax forms and he fell in love with it. Now, mind you, we didn't even go into the actual library, just in entryway, and he screamed when we left! But he did learn to say Library, all three syllables and all! He now also says Scooby Doo Be Doo. It's the cutest thing in the world!

Jarrett had some check up doctor's appointments last week and we got great news! He can now stop taking his Prilosec and we were released from his GI Doctor. Yah! When then we to see his favorite Dr. Akanli, his Pulmonologist, and she told us we can stop breathing treatments at the end of March! YES! YES! He is weighing in at a hefty 28 lbs and 34 inches long. He is a growing boy!

He got to spend last weekend over in Ohio with his Grandma and Grandpa Helman and Aunt Crystal and Uncle Bino. He had a blast that included bowling (where he threw is basketball down the lane) and his first Hibatchi sp? bar. Justin and I were able to have a weekend to ourselves, which was nice, but we missed Jarrett terribly. We were able to go out to Rexas Toadhouse (that is for you buddy). It was so weird for us to not have to say, "Stop that, eat your food, etc etc etc). We also got a lot of work done on the house. We painted our playroom a hideous shade of red that will be changed soon, cleaned the house, and ripped out our upstairs shower (kind of unexpectadley) So, now onto our next project....a new bathroom!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Where Has The Time Gone???

Okay Okay, I know, it's been almost two months since our last post. Please forgive me! First of all, we had a great holiday season spent with family, friends, and coworkers. Christmas was soooo much fun this year with Jarrett, he really had a great time opening all his gifts and playing with them. Let alone screaming at me when I took one away so he could open another :)
Justin has been soooo busy with work because as many of you know, rates dropped dramatically thus making my husband work A LOT! I'm so glad he LOVES his job! We had some nights without daddy until about 9ish, so Jarrett was already sleeping soundly, but that's okay. We appreciate all of Justin's hard work and like I've mentioned before, I'm so thankful that he has a job that he loves so much!!! It definitely helps to have him in a great mood at home after work to help pick up grumpy old me who doesn't like my current situation!
Jarrett has started talking so much more lately, he can just about anything and watch your mouths!
You'll be able to see watch he has been up to lately...see below

Okay, so I'm having some problems with uploading pictures, I can't seem to get captions under them.
The first one is Jarrett at the eye dr. He has a blocked tear duct and apparently he was pretty excited about it.
The second picture is his new POUTY FACE!
Then we have him and his cousin Gracie playing a musical piece for all of us on New Years Day.
Last are a couple pics of Xmas.

Here are a couple pictures from this weekend. We went to visit our best friends from college, Krissy and Andrew Prater, up in Valparaiso. They have two dogs, Dodger and Coco, and Jarrett fell in love with Dodger as you can see. Krissy and Prater are expecting a little one in May. We can't wait to meet him/her! Jarrett also got to play in the snow today since it was somewhat warm out. I hate cold weather which is why today was the first day to play in the snow! He seemed to like it all right, but he loved to eat it as you can see from the picture!

We hope everyone is doing well!

Where Has The Time Gone???