Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Update on Jarrett

Well, Jarrett went back to the doctor yesterday. He has a cold and the doctor thinks that he has a narrow trachea, which would explain his difficulties breathing as well as his wheeziness and rattliness (if that's a word). You know, since I've been a mom, I've realized that I make up all sorts of words that relate to my baby. Anyway, he referred us to a Pulmonary Specialist down in Indy at St. Vincent. If it is just a narrow trachea, he will just have to grow out of it. He told us not to be too concerned, he just wants us to go to a specialist since Jarrett is so young and we just want to make sure. We will keep you updated

1 comment:

Lindsey @ Enjoying Healthy Foods said...

poor little jarrett :(
i'll be praying for him